I was asked to join this missionary group in late May , go to Mexi-Cali and minister to the women & children about the Good News . They're husbands are locked up ..there was just a 6.7 earthquake there too . Should i go do this ? I'm asking myself over and over am i really to go into another country were the rules and laws are soooo different from the states . But i want to go for the experience . i believe i was created to eventually spread the news .. ill blog this again once I've made up my decision.
In Lu of all these earthquakes & we (Christians) being in the last days , they are now saying CALIFORNIA will soon get hit with a HUGE earthquake . But when ? probably really soon .
When i think of the Coachella Music Festival i think of Woodstock for some reason .. those two are very similar .. If you've never been to the music festival .... you should at least go once in your life . So fun , relaxing , hearing all kinds of music , drinking , etc ... loves it !!!
CHEF , Stylist , Gym Junkie, & Journalist .. LiFE is what you MAKE of it .
wildn . sassy . spontaneous .
e x t r a o r d i n a r y .
email me @ missamethyst87@gmail.com
is a violet variety of quartz often used in jewelry. The name comes from the Ancient Greek a-("not") and methustos ("intoxicated") , a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness; the ancient Greeks and Romans wore AMETHYST and made drinking vessels of it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication . Its also one of the colors described in the Heavenly City as the 12th color in revelation Chapter 21:20 . check it out .. kisses.