Every girl out there likes to refer to herself as "Carrie ," but whats that really mean ? Define Carrie ( this character ) Here's why i get referred to her . She's wacky , creative , and expressive all in one . She wears her HEART on her sleeve so thats why her
CiRCLE likes her . She's relate-able , gives wise
ADViCE , she shouldn't believe in true LOVE but she does because she was
CAPTiVATED by that one guy who had her heart from day one . But , she also knows not to fight the TRUTH . Especially when it comes to the field of
RELATiONSHiPS . ( i.e. still goes out , and dates , meeting all types ) Proving that you really should have a counter-balance between your CAREER ( which she really loved , all she did was ELEVATE , taking baby steps ) , building and learning that
FRiENDSHiPS are like relationships , embracing and working threw her
FLAWS within herself .
FiNDiNG herself , and knowing what she really wants with that special someone .
Now , I really like to believe there's no other
iNFAMOUS Amethyst Woodard , but then i laid my eyes on Sex in the City and found that Carrie and I have a lot in common . LOL . She experiences and grows . Genuine and Loving . Its rare to
FiND people like that , so when you do , HOLD on to them .
- Miss Amethyst
SHOUTOUT to : Candace Bushnell ( the Original Carrie Bradshaw )
P.S. We all KNOW & or HAVE moms & girlfriends like Miranda , Charlotte , and Samantha . <--- LOVE that too .