First , we must put a VALUE on your spirit body and soul , as told by GOD , his son and prophets of old .
Over and over the scriptures EXPRESS the value and worth of everyone , because the creation process was so beautifully done .
I'm grateful for god's awesome LOVE , for all good things come from above .
He made provisions for animals and birds too , as if he had nothing else to do .
His master plan targets man's body , spirit and soul , that he declares more valuable than silver , platinum and gold .
He even sacrificed the life of his only begotten son , to ensure that ViCTORY for us was forever won .
He even lived among us as many have told , just to REDEEM our spirit , body and soul .
So , if god , the creator , placed such high value on your spirit , body and soul , which is you , what do you think you and i ought to do ?
Would you trade you in for a little , " Me and Mrs. Jones " episode , just to reduce your tensions , stresses , and emotional load ?
Try gettin twisted and crazy on crack cocaine , and live in the world of extreme iNSANE .
to be continued .... this poem is 6 pages long .. Written by a BRiLLiANT man : Charles W. Hall