On Saturday , attending my little cousins 2nd baby shower (he really gets around lol) really was a warning & a reminder that I'm 23 and i have my [ WHOLE ] life ahead of me . There will be plenty of time for a baby and when i decide i want to have kids I'll have a career and I'll be MARRiED . The NEXT GENERATiON , they arent being head smart , seriously think about it . You have to know [YOURSELF] & LOVE yourself before you can have LOVE for another LiFE . i.e. kids and a family . Take your 20's and explore life , & yourself . Come into your OWN on your OWN . Try to LEARN from people who have gone threw experiences . SURROUND yourself around people who are on the same page as you . Stay HUMBLE and be GRACiOUS that your life doesnt [ REQUiRE ] more responsibilty that it requires of those who CHOOSE to think they can early and those who are not ready and have no iNTENTiONS on being ready . Wrap it UP . Enjoy life , because its REALLY what you make of it .