WARNiNG .. this girl BEATS BEiNG BASiC 24/7 365 . her EGO is back with a FEW changes .... ..RUNNNNNN .. unless you can MATCH her level ... in a league of her OWN ..
my lil sister @BrainzNBeauty20 , her 21st birthday is THURSDAY & shes also finishing up Vocational Nursing School .. so we HAVE to hit VEGAS this weekend .. i wanted to kick off her B-Day week by styling that hair ... BOMB .
CHEF , Stylist , Gym Junkie, & Journalist .. LiFE is what you MAKE of it .
wildn . sassy . spontaneous .
e x t r a o r d i n a r y .
email me @ missamethyst87@gmail.com
is a violet variety of quartz often used in jewelry. The name comes from the Ancient Greek a-("not") and methustos ("intoxicated") , a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness; the ancient Greeks and Romans wore AMETHYST and made drinking vessels of it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication . Its also one of the colors described in the Heavenly City as the 12th color in revelation Chapter 21:20 . check it out .. kisses.