Wednesday, May 4, 2011

SAVE the DATE ...

Fashion Look Show 
July 23rd , 2011
San Diego , CA 

im EVERY Woman

I JUST got the hook ... I can be any kind of woman . Strong , Sexy , Raw, Elegant .. hence my blog ----> right underneath Le' Chateau Amethyst . I've heard I'm every woman COUNTLESS times . but never understood as a kid what the WORDS meant . Continuing to grow up , NEVER paying any attention to that song. I just always  knew a lot of gay friends loved her , but i never took iNTEREST in all her music . Name your top 3 favorite CHAKA KHAN songs ..

** That song has applied to ME all my LiFE pretty much , and i had NO idea .. **




this GORGEOUS flat-ware set i picked up at my CHURCH pancake breakfast/yard-sale that i WORKED , ALSO i [ spotted ] a CHANEL bag thinking " i WANT that !! Even if it is FAKE " tell me why i get home later , was going through the bag & saw the SERIAL # ---> ALONG w/ a smaller CHANEL bag change purse ( i gave that one to my sissy . it was REAL 2 ) my VERY first CHANEL bag and it was FREEEEEEEE . what a blessing .. In the other FLICK , i took a TRIP to iKEA , aside for shopping for my " LOFT " i just picked up some stuff for my kitchen . LOL .

Spaghetti w/ Meatballs topped w/ FRESH Basil

EASTER SUNDAY @Memorial Hospital

My cousin had an aneurysm , and had to have BRAIN surgery .. EVERYDAY is constant PRAYER . But the LORD has our back . If my cousin weren't in the hospital she would have had her ANNUAL Easter Party at her house . But since shes in ICU , we brought the PARTY to her . Well the hospital WAITING room that is .. lol WE pulled a TYLER PERRY & had a POT-LUCK in one section of the hospital ..

Where i was BORN ..

we ALWAYS have to stop & take a FLICK