Monday, May 3, 2010

The Connection Between the OLD & the YOUTH

There should be a CONNECTiON between adults & youth . Why ? because the POWER resides in the YOUTH (us). God loves using young people . Example ( David & Solomn were very young , but GOD used them )

Read the STORY of David & Goliath . 1 Samuel 17:32

Youth , we believe , we have FAiTH . The OLD need to have faith like a child . Its simple , believe what dad says . We can get work done together . We can do better together .

Remember the word as a young person . LEARN by other's (the OLD) experiences . Try not to go thru certain experiences yourself . Avoid things that cause sorrow . When you are SiNGLE you have it easier . Because the OLDER you get the more COMPLEX it becomes . Life is like a HOUSE , you have to make repairs when its needed or itll become a disaster .

AS a mature CHRiSTiAN ( the old ) :

- Be encouraging and seek faith for the YOUTH
- Every person really wants to be around people that want to be around them
- Its your JOB to give the YOUTH hope



- With wisdom and youth its POWERFUL
- We feel ENCOURAGED , INSPiRED , and driven to DETERMiNiTiON
- THE YOUTH can borrow wisdom & Inspiration to share w/ others

As you get older you become so INDEPENDENT , you loose FAiTH . you need DEPENDANCE to fall on .. turn to the YOUTH . The Wisdom (the OLD) should be CHARGED , charged by the YOUTH .

WALK in the ways of your HEART .

& remember ,

WiSDOM ( The OLD )

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